Call for artists and poets

 The originality comes from the collaborative structure of Plume Acide and its website, designed to allow everyone to actively participate in the design of the collections.

Principle of the Plume Acide Collective: an artist or a poet interested in the concept of narrative haiku, create a user account on our site, then join the Collective of his choice (1 Collective = 1 Collection). Within a Collective, the graphic works and renku are shared, discussed, revised, then structured and organized to build the collection.

Plume Acide has a graphic charter and a precise editorial line for the elaboration of these collections. This translates into a shikimoku (rules for the construction of the Works and the renku) which must be respected by all the actors of the Collective.

Visit the ‘Forum’ and the pages ‘Our Collectives’ and ‘Joining a Collective’ or contact us for more information: we’ll explain everything!

 The current productions :

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.